#dragon_boat_festival #端午節故事 #包粽子 #dragon_boat_festival_food_recipes 00:22 世界各地如何過端午節 How do different countries celebrate this festival 04:49 包肉粽做法 How to make pork rice dumplings 06:38 包上海粽做法 How to make shanghai rice dumplings (with red beans and dates) 10:16 端午節故事 Stories about Dragon Boat Festival 端午节是東亞文化圈的傳統節日,定在每年農曆五月初五,本來是夏季的一個送離五瘟神,驅除瘟疫的節日。戰國時期的楚國愛國詩人屈原於這一日投江自盡,後在中國演化為端午節,以紀念屈原,有人稱其為詩人節(有些地方是紀念吳國忠臣伍子胥的忌日),是華人四大節日之一,與新春、中秋等節日同屬東亞文化圈的中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、日本、朝鮮半島、越南的重要傳統節日。 包粽子的做法步骤: 1材料:糯米(看个人情况下多下少)粽子叶棕绳蜜枣白碱 2用温水将糯米浸泡,放入白碱浸泡,温水泡的话只用半个小时即可,粽叶 棕绳用水漂干净 3将蜜枣对半切,你自己吃的话,可以为了多吃,不切,但是不切的话,因为去核后,中间空心就不能包更多的米了 4就是包粽子了,这包粽子呀花样很多,有尖的也有扁的,趁泡米空档,我来叫你们包尖的和扁的两种(温馨提醒:绑粽子的绳子最好用棕树撕开的绳子,很多人因为找不到或者贪图方便,用塑料绳,我不建议这样,高温煮粽子的时候,往往会让绳子分解一些有毒的物质,就像你用开水烫塑料瓶,有异味对吧) 5尖端粽子:将粽叶旋转成漏斗状 继续旋转让叶子头和尾重叠(此处注意一个技巧,最好固定叶尾,用右手转动叶头,这样枝干比较硬的头就在里面,这样绑的更结实) 6装好米后 将叶子压下绑好即可 7成品一个,下面教大家,扁式粽子 8花样儿:扁式粽子:固定叶头,旋转叶尾,叶头叶尾重叠,在这里我们就可以发现,扁式的仅仅只用旋转90度重叠,而尖端时的是需要180重叠的,装好米之后,只用将叶子盖好,不侧漏即可绑好 9大火开始煮,因为之前用白碱泡过米,所以现在开水里面加白碱的话不宜过多,水变黄了就行,多了会苦涩,适宜的话,会很香的,半个小时,中途可以用筷子搅动一下 10起锅的,没有散掉喔 11嘿嘿,美食与你同在,天天好心情 The Dragon Boat Festival (traditional Chinese: 端午節; simplified Chinese: 端午节) is a traditional holiday originating in China, occurring near the summer solstice. The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar, which is the source of the festival's alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[1] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date of the festival varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2017, it occurred on 29 May; in 2018, on 18 June; in 2019, on 7 June; and in 2020, on 25 June. The English language name for the holiday, "Dragon Boat Festival", possibly translates into two alternative Chinese names for the holiday, 龍船節 (Lóngchuánjié) and 龍舟節 (Lóngzhōujié). The Chinese name of the festival is "端午節" (simplified Chinese: 端午节; traditional Chinese: 端午節; pinyin: Duānwǔjié) on the mainland,[2] Taiwan, and "Tuen Ng Festival" for [3] Hong Kong, Macao,[4] Malaysia and Singapore.[5] It is pronounced variously in different Chinese languages. In Mandarin, it is romanized as Duānwǔjié on the mainland and Taiwan; in Cantonese, it is romanized as Tuen1 Ng5 Jit3 on Hong Kong and Tung1 Ng5 Jit3 on Macao. Among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Taiwanese Hokkien speakers, the festival is also known as the "Fifth Month Festival," the "Fifth Day Festival," and the "Dumpling Festival." In Korea, the holiday is called Dano. It is a significant traditional holiday in Korean Culture. In North Korea it is an official holiday. In Indonesian, the festival is known as "Peh Cun", which is derived from Hokkien (扒船; pê-chûn). Dragon Boat Festival Food Zongzi. Zongzi is a kind of sticky rice dumplings with different fillings wrapped by bamboo or reed leaves. Ricefield Eel. Eel is another delicacy that people enjoy much during the festival. Dagao. Dagao is a kind of cake made of mugwort and boiled sticky rice. Tea Eggs. Garlic Eggs. Jiandui. Pancake. Realgar Wine. “The word Kashiwa-mochi is commonly known, but there is a story behind this name as well. In ancient times, oak leaves were used as dishes, and kashiwa was the general word for dishes. An interesting fact is throughout history people settle on only certain types of edible leaves to use. ” explains Okubo. Other fun videos 其他有趣的视频: 薑汁湯圓簡單做法(高清粤語)| How to Make Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/NP00GHw8EBQ 美國六月生活實錄!(高清粤語)| USA Life (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/tWk3K9oQIvg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with me: FB: https://m.facebook.com/YMzone8 Blog: https://yumanzone.blogspot.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lillian_hkg... Twitter: https://twitter.com/lillianhkg?lang=en 如果你願意支持我進一步做好我的頻道,我也很樂意接受各方的支合作及贊助:if you want to support me for further developing my channel, I am grateful to accept any sponsor and donation: https://www.patreon.com/YuManTravel Business Inquiry: Yumantravel1@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Landras Dream Musician: music by audionautix.com License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode Music: Shoreline Musician: Rook1e Music: Green Leaves Musician: music by audionautix.com License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode Music: As Leaves Fall Musician: @iksonmusic Music: 经年 Musician: EnjoyMusic Site: https://enjoymusic.ai 端午節 端午節英文 端午節習俗 端午節日期 端午節故事 端午節農曆 端午節活動 端午節日期2020 端午節背景 端午節禁忌 端午節粽子 端午節粽子英文 端午節粽子2020 端午節粽子由來 端午節粽子推薦 端午節粽子預購 粽子做法 肉粽 包粽子 粽子材料 鹼粽 包粽子 端午節包粽子 王太太包粽子 包粽子英文 包粽子的花生 包粽子的米要泡多久 簡單包粽子 包粽子的葉子 包粽神器 長 粽 包法 南部粽 dragon boat festival dragon boat festival food dragon boat festival facts dragon boat festival 2020 dragon boat festival taiwan dragon boat festival in chinese characters dragon boat festival 2021 dragon boat festival 2020 china dragon boat festival food recipes
Friday, June 26, 2020
端午節習俗故事|包粽子做法高清粤語| Dragon Boat Festival ZongZi Recipes, Fun Facts and Traditions (HD Eng CC)
#dragon_boat_festival #端午節故事 #包粽子 #dragon_boat_festival_food_recipes 00:22 世界各地如何過端午節 How do different countries celebrate this festival 04:49 包肉粽做法 How to make pork rice dumplings 06:38 包上海粽做法 How to make shanghai rice dumplings (with red beans and dates) 10:16 端午節故事 Stories about Dragon Boat Festival 端午节是東亞文化圈的傳統節日,定在每年農曆五月初五,本來是夏季的一個送離五瘟神,驅除瘟疫的節日。戰國時期的楚國愛國詩人屈原於這一日投江自盡,後在中國演化為端午節,以紀念屈原,有人稱其為詩人節(有些地方是紀念吳國忠臣伍子胥的忌日),是華人四大節日之一,與新春、中秋等節日同屬東亞文化圈的中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、日本、朝鮮半島、越南的重要傳統節日。 包粽子的做法步骤: 1材料:糯米(看个人情况下多下少)粽子叶棕绳蜜枣白碱 2用温水将糯米浸泡,放入白碱浸泡,温水泡的话只用半个小时即可,粽叶 棕绳用水漂干净 3将蜜枣对半切,你自己吃的话,可以为了多吃,不切,但是不切的话,因为去核后,中间空心就不能包更多的米了 4就是包粽子了,这包粽子呀花样很多,有尖的也有扁的,趁泡米空档,我来叫你们包尖的和扁的两种(温馨提醒:绑粽子的绳子最好用棕树撕开的绳子,很多人因为找不到或者贪图方便,用塑料绳,我不建议这样,高温煮粽子的时候,往往会让绳子分解一些有毒的物质,就像你用开水烫塑料瓶,有异味对吧) 5尖端粽子:将粽叶旋转成漏斗状 继续旋转让叶子头和尾重叠(此处注意一个技巧,最好固定叶尾,用右手转动叶头,这样枝干比较硬的头就在里面,这样绑的更结实) 6装好米后 将叶子压下绑好即可 7成品一个,下面教大家,扁式粽子 8花样儿:扁式粽子:固定叶头,旋转叶尾,叶头叶尾重叠,在这里我们就可以发现,扁式的仅仅只用旋转90度重叠,而尖端时的是需要180重叠的,装好米之后,只用将叶子盖好,不侧漏即可绑好 9大火开始煮,因为之前用白碱泡过米,所以现在开水里面加白碱的话不宜过多,水变黄了就行,多了会苦涩,适宜的话,会很香的,半个小时,中途可以用筷子搅动一下 10起锅的,没有散掉喔 11嘿嘿,美食与你同在,天天好心情 The Dragon Boat Festival (traditional Chinese: 端午節; simplified Chinese: 端午节) is a traditional holiday originating in China, occurring near the summer solstice. The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar, which is the source of the festival's alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[1] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date of the festival varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2017, it occurred on 29 May; in 2018, on 18 June; in 2019, on 7 June; and in 2020, on 25 June. The English language name for the holiday, "Dragon Boat Festival", possibly translates into two alternative Chinese names for the holiday, 龍船節 (Lóngchuánjié) and 龍舟節 (Lóngzhōujié). The Chinese name of the festival is "端午節" (simplified Chinese: 端午节; traditional Chinese: 端午節; pinyin: Duānwǔjié) on the mainland,[2] Taiwan, and "Tuen Ng Festival" for [3] Hong Kong, Macao,[4] Malaysia and Singapore.[5] It is pronounced variously in different Chinese languages. In Mandarin, it is romanized as Duānwǔjié on the mainland and Taiwan; in Cantonese, it is romanized as Tuen1 Ng5 Jit3 on Hong Kong and Tung1 Ng5 Jit3 on Macao. Among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Taiwanese Hokkien speakers, the festival is also known as the "Fifth Month Festival," the "Fifth Day Festival," and the "Dumpling Festival." In Korea, the holiday is called Dano. It is a significant traditional holiday in Korean Culture. In North Korea it is an official holiday. In Indonesian, the festival is known as "Peh Cun", which is derived from Hokkien (扒船; pê-chûn). Dragon Boat Festival Food Zongzi. Zongzi is a kind of sticky rice dumplings with different fillings wrapped by bamboo or reed leaves. Ricefield Eel. Eel is another delicacy that people enjoy much during the festival. Dagao. Dagao is a kind of cake made of mugwort and boiled sticky rice. Tea Eggs. Garlic Eggs. Jiandui. Pancake. Realgar Wine. “The word Kashiwa-mochi is commonly known, but there is a story behind this name as well. In ancient times, oak leaves were used as dishes, and kashiwa was the general word for dishes. An interesting fact is throughout history people settle on only certain types of edible leaves to use. ” explains Okubo. Other fun videos 其他有趣的视频: 薑汁湯圓簡單做法(高清粤語)| How to Make Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/NP00GHw8EBQ 美國六月生活實錄!(高清粤語)| USA Life (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/tWk3K9oQIvg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with me: FB: https://m.facebook.com/YMzone8 Blog: https://yumanzone.blogspot.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lillian_hkg... Twitter: https://twitter.com/lillianhkg?lang=en 如果你願意支持我進一步做好我的頻道,我也很樂意接受各方的支合作及贊助:if you want to support me for further developing my channel, I am grateful to accept any sponsor and donation: https://www.patreon.com/YuManTravel Business Inquiry: Yumantravel1@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Landras Dream Musician: music by audionautix.com License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode Music: Shoreline Musician: Rook1e Music: Green Leaves Musician: music by audionautix.com License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode Music: As Leaves Fall Musician: @iksonmusic Music: 经年 Musician: EnjoyMusic Site: https://enjoymusic.ai 端午節 端午節英文 端午節習俗 端午節日期 端午節故事 端午節農曆 端午節活動 端午節日期2020 端午節背景 端午節禁忌 端午節粽子 端午節粽子英文 端午節粽子2020 端午節粽子由來 端午節粽子推薦 端午節粽子預購 粽子做法 肉粽 包粽子 粽子材料 鹼粽 包粽子 端午節包粽子 王太太包粽子 包粽子英文 包粽子的花生 包粽子的米要泡多久 簡單包粽子 包粽子的葉子 包粽神器 長 粽 包法 南部粽 dragon boat festival dragon boat festival food dragon boat festival facts dragon boat festival 2020 dragon boat festival taiwan dragon boat festival in chinese characters dragon boat festival 2021 dragon boat festival 2020 china dragon boat festival food recipes
Thursday, June 18, 2020
薑汁鮮奶燉蛋簡單做法(高清粤語)| How to Make Ginger Egg Pudding (HD Eng CC) | 雨文慢煮 VLOG 8
步驟 1. 薑洗淨刮皮磨成茸,然後用手指榨取薑汁,備用。 2 雞蛋打勻,加入砂糖、牛奶及薑汁,拌勻。 3. 燒熱一鍋熱水,放上蒸架,將水煲滾。 4. 用篩將蛋汁濾入碗內,用錫紙蓋好,放入鍋內,慢火蒸約45分鐘即成。 1. Wash and scrape ginger and grind into velvet, then squeeze ginger juice with your fingers and set aside. 2 Beat eggs well, add sugar, milk and ginger juice, mix well. 3. Heat a pot of hot water, put on a steaming rack, and boil the water. 4. Sift the egg juice into the bowl with a sieve, cover with tin foil, put in the pot, and steam slowly for about 45 minutes. #鮮奶燉蛋比例 #薑汁冰花燉蛋 #凍燉蛋 #EggPudding #薑汁燉奶 薑汁燉奶功效 按中醫論說,牛奶味甘性寒,功能補虛羸,而姜則性辛微溫,功能散寒暖胃,去痰下氣。因此,薑汁撞奶在寒冷天氣食之,頓有通身暖和之感,可謂配合巧妙。 按中医论说,牛奶味甘性寒,功能补虚羸,而姜则性辛微温,功能散寒暖胃,去痰下气。 因此,姜汁撞奶在寒冷天气食之,顿有通身暖和之感,可谓配合巧妙。 According to traditional Chinese medicine, milk is sweet and cold, and the function is to make up for deficiency. While ginger is slightly warm, the function is to disperse cold and warm the stomach. Therefore, the ginger juice hits the milk to eat in cold weather, and it feels warm and warm, which can be said to be ingeniously coordinated. 鮮奶燉蛋比例 薑汁冰花燉蛋 焦糖燉蛋 燉奶 作法 凍 燉 蛋 豆奶 燉 蛋 越 煮 越 好 薑 汁 撞奶 燉蛋 蒸蛋 蒸 焗 爐 燉 蛋 egg pudding boba caramel egg pudding recipe egg pudding vs flan egg pudding recipe in microwave egg pudding pakistani recipe egg pudding with condensed milk bread pudding egg pudding recipe malayalam Other fun videos 其他有趣的视频: 薑汁湯圓簡單做法(高清粤語)| How to Make Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/NP00GHw8EBQ 美國六月生活實錄!(高清粤語)| USA Life (HD Eng CC) https://youtu.be/tWk3K9oQIvg HIDDEN GEM of Los Angeles [Eng CC] | 洛城的瓦塔藝術 【粤语】: https://youtu.be/0Ezjz3yRL-g #MOST MAGICAL E.T. Film Location [Eng CC] | #最神秘的外星人基地[粤語]: https://youtu.be/LDz7-x7ccRw How I tour Fry's Electronics: https://youtu.be/hQcgWFhj_-E How I drive through Foggy Malibu: https://youtu.be/lb2n_AKPSkg How I relax in Huntington Library: https://youtu.be/WnfRsbpYIvs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with me: FB: https://m.facebook.com/YMzone8 Blog: https://yumanzone.blogspot.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lillian_hkg... Twitter: https://twitter.com/lillianhkg?lang=en 如果你願意支持我進一步做好我的頻道,我也很樂意接受各方的支合作及贊助:if you want to support me for further developing my channel, I am grateful to accept any sponsor and donation: https://www.patreon.com/YuManTravel Business Inquiry: Yumantravel1@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: As Leaves Fall Musician: @iksonmusic Music: Lay Down Beside You Musician: Carl Storm
egg pudding,
egg pudding with milk,
slow cook,
越 煮 越 好,
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Cooking Vlog
薑汁湯圓簡單做法(高清粤語)| How to Make Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls (HD Eng CC) | 雨文慢煮 My receipe: https://youtu.be/NP00GHw8EBQ via @YouTube 😋😋😋
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