Thursday, September 17, 2020

[Food] How to make Coconut Green Bean Sweet Soup at Home | 新式消暑甜品椰汁綠豆沙簡單做法食譜 | YuMan SlowCook 雨文慢煮


#green bean soup benefits #椰汁綠豆沙功效 #新式消暑甜品

Sweet Mung Bean and Sago Soup Recipe: In a large pot, combine mung beans, brown sugar, water, and pandan leaves. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and allow to simmer for 30 minutes or until mung bean splits open. Add sago pearls and coconut milk. Simmer for another 8 minutes or until sago pearls turn translucent. Serve warm or chilled. Impressive Health Benefits of Mung Beans: Packed With Healthy Nutrients. . High Antioxidant Levels May Reduce Chronic Disease Risk. Antioxidants Vitexin and Isovitexin May Prevent Heat Stroke. May Lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol Levels, Reducing Heart Disease Risk. Rich in Potassium, Magnesium and Fiber, Which May Reduce Blood Pressure. What do green beans do for your body? Green Beans Health Benefits: Not only are green beans a nice, crunchy, low-calorie food but also they provide many key nutrients. Young, tender green beans are a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, folate, vitamin K and silicon (needed for healthy bones, skin, and hair). 新式消暑甜品椰汁綠豆沙做法︰ 用水浸泡綠豆30分鐘至1小時 將6至8碗水煮滾 將浸泡綠豆的水倒走,把綠豆倒入滾水煮40分鐘 加入冰糖,煮至冰糖溶解 加入椰汁 將椰汁和綠豆沙拌勻 倒入蘆薈粒 煮滾便大功告成~ 椰汁綠豆沙功效: 因為椰奶和綠豆都放入冰箱冷藏過,所以這款椰奶綠豆爽的口感是十分的冰爽,綠豆本身就具有清熱解毒的功效,椰奶有很好的清涼消暑、生津止渴的功效。 椰奶一般都是用椰子汁製作而成的。 而椰奶的口感比較清甜,香味濃郁,是很多人的最愛的飲品。 green bean soup with coconut milk recipe green bean soup with sweet potato recipe green bean soup with sago recipe green bean soup with gula melaka green bean soup recipe green bean soup benefits green bean soup with honey green bean seaweed dessert soup cold green bean soup 椰汁綠豆沙功效 新式消暑甜品 椰汁綠豆沙做法 Music: solitude Musician: Rook1e Music: Strobe Musician: Jef