This was my first time to use ArcGIS, so I carefully followed every instruction from ArcGIS tutorial to prevent mistakes. In the beginning, I felt unfamiliar to use Arc catalogue to move files and export them. However, I had been able to copy the lab files correctly into my folder using Arc Catalogue. After a long process of trials and errors, I considered that the funniest part of this whole assignment was to see my final product, which increased my sense of satisfaction. I was delighted about learning how to add and edit map elements, display and visualize attributes, manipulate fundamental spatial statistics and manual editing, and layout the map. These skills and knowledge are definitely valuable for my future to edit geographical data.
Through doing this assignment, I understand that ArcGIS consists of an optimized map service that allows us to produce high-performance dynamic maps. I noticed that map quality is good, and storage is efficient. Moreover, the software lets users easily share geographic content, such as maps, data, and layers. ArcMap data, such as a thumbnail, the extent, and spatial reference, is an easy-to-share package. Layer packages can be shared via e-mail or DVD or placed on network drives.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) benefit organizations of almost every industry. There is a growing interest in and awareness of the economic and strategic value of GIS, in part because of more standards-based technology and greater awareness of the benefits demonstrated by GIS users. First, GIS save costs because of greater efficiency. For instance, they encourage labor savings from automating or improving a workflow. An example of labor saving by GIS is Sears, which implemented GIS in its logistics operations and has seen dramatic improvements. Sears considerably reduced the time it takes for dispatchers to create routes for their home delivery trucks by about 75%. Another potential of GIS is better decision making about location. Common examples are environmental conservation, natural resource extraction, zoning, planning, real estate site selection, route/corridor selection, etc. Next, GIS-based maps help understanding situations and story-telling. It improves communication between different teams, departments, disciplines, professional fields, organizations, and the public. Furthermore, the system provides better geographic information recordkeeping with full transaction support and reporting tools. Furthermore, GIS have become essential to understand what is going on in government and many large corporations, including briefings about various geographic patterns and relationships of land use, crime, the environment, and defense/security situations. Finally, GIS implemented as enterprise information systems. The systems are transforming the way that organizations manage their assets, serve their customers, make decisions, and communicate. Examples in the private sector include forestry and oil companies, and most retail businesses. Their assets and resources are now being maintained as an enterprise information system to support day-to-day work management tasks and provide a broader context for assets and resource management.
On the other hand, geographic information systems have injustices in assessing environmental health and equity. They also expose disproportion of certain populations to environmental hazards. Unresolved issues in mapping environmental equity and health are due to a lack of comprehensive hazards databases, insufficient realistic methodologies for determining the geographic extent of exposure and the characteristics of the affected populations, and the paucity of health assessment data. Since a spatial frontier may be overlaid on areas where peripheries are not well defined, some animals may not be distinguished in these margins. Therefore, GIS map may not fully represent the invasion of an ecosystem successfully. Another pitfall of GIS is that terrorists could possibly use GIS to detect high risk areas, commit crimes, and harm specific locations. Therefore, GIS has both good and bad sides. One should apply the systems carefully.
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