Friday, November 12, 2010

Lab 6 DEMs in ArcGIS

         I selected the approximate area of Sequoia National Forest. The map’s spatial reference is NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11 N and the central Meridian is -117. The forest is located in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains of California. The national forest is named for the majestic Giant Sequoia trees which populate 38 groves within the boundaries of the forest. It also covers 1,787.87 square miles (4,630.55 km²), and ranges in elevation from 1,000 feet (300 m) in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada to over 12,000 feet (3,700 m).The full extent of the area I posted is around -118.9014 degree for the left, -118.4361 degree for the right, 36.1952 degree for the top, 35.8693 degree for the bottom. Its columns and rows are 1463x1255. Its cell sizes X and Y are both 28.2525103 meters. There is only one band. Moreover, the area’s grid format is continuous source type. The slope map's mean is 18.96, while hillshade map’s mean is 170.208. Furthermore, the aspect map’s mean is 189.9564. Last but not least, I exaggerate the 3D map by multiplying 10 times with a base height of 10000, resulting in 100000 for Z unit conversion.

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