Sunday, July 10, 2011

感動 Touching Feeling

這陣子讓我感動的時刻一浪接一浪, 眼淚不自覺地暗湧出來。 從來都自覺是個眼淺的人,對別人悲哀的一言一語,都像感同身受般觸發起心如刀割之感,劇情的思緒情感也在腦內回轉千百回*

該慶倖自己還沒被成長磨合成木頭人或雪人, 到日後投身社會, 也能保持這一絲純真的感動嗎?

The moments that touched me, wave after wave, causing my tears came out unconsciously. I have always felt that I am a crybaby (shallow-eyed person), and the words of sorrow from others trigger my feeling like a knife to my heart, feeling the same way as others. 

It should be fortunate that I haven't been grown into a wooden man or a snowman. Will I still be able to keep this pure touching feeling when I join the society in the future?

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