Monday, July 18, 2011

影子隨想 Shadow Thought

不管是日曬雨淋,黑夜白晝,或是快樂哀愁,總是有你默默地守護著我,貼身地跟隨著我。 看見你一天一天變高, 由昔日矮小的瘦皮猴,變成今天亭亭玉立的lady,心存感恩。你是我一生的好夥伴^^

Whether it's the sunny or rainy, night or day, joy or sorrow, you’re always here silently guarding me and following me closely. I am grateful to see you growing taller day by day, from the skinny monkey of the past to the slim lady of today. My Shadow, you are a good friend of my life ^^

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