Thursday, August 25, 2011

執著 Loss and Gain

人為何執著呢?因為我們對某些事情認真,投放了大量的心血,最後若結果不如理想,就會失望。 我們會執著於不同之事,如成績、感情、事業、金錢,甚至自我形象。當我們在只著眼於自己失去了什麼,抱怨自己有多不幸時,為何不慶幸自己得到了多少呢?我們仍活著,還有寶貴的時間、親友無私的關懷、以及上天的眷顧。


Why are people persistent and stubborn? Because we are serious about certain things, we put in meaningful efforts during the process, and in the end, if the results are not as good as expected, we will be disappointed. We will cling our emotions to different things, such as grades, feelings, career, money, and even self-image. When we only focus on what we have lost and repeat how unfortunate we are, why not be thankful how much we have gained? We are still alive, with precious time, unselfish care from relatives and friends, and humanity wisdom.
"Loss" is only to "gain". :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

幸福 Happiness

“幸福不是你房子有多大 ,而是房子里的笑声有多甜.
幸福不是你开多豪华的车 ,而是你开着车平安到家.
幸福不是你的爱人有多漂亮 而是爱人的笑容有多灿烂.”

小时侯,幸福是一件东西,拥有就幸福;长大后,幸福是一个目标,达到就幸福;成熟后,发现幸福原来是一种心态,领悟就幸福。                       ---from 时尚小资馆。

幸福,没有捷径, 只有经营                       ----范范的“最重要的决定”。

但是发现原来智慧就已经为我带来了心灵上的幸福, 因为心中人性的爱。 
前两个阶段只是局限于被爱,我猜到年纪大了,可以有更大的能力去爱人和帮人, 该会得到更大的喜乐吧! 

"Happiness is not how big your house is, but how sweet the laughter in the house is. Happiness is not about how luxurious the car you drive, but that you drive home safely.
Happiness is not how beautiful your lover is, but how bright your lover's smile is. "

When I was young, happiness is a thing, and happiness comes from having it; when I grow up, happiness is a goal, and happiness is achieved; after maturity, I find that happiness turns out to be a state of mind, and understanding leads to happiness. --- from Fashion Petty Museum.

Happiness, no shortcuts, only building and managing -Fan Fan's "most important decision".

As far as I am concerned, when I was a child, I felt happy when there were parents, teachers, and adults who complimented me. When I grow up, I worked hard to pursue a better living condition. It seemed to be achieved, I was satisfied. But I discovered that wisdom has brought me happiness in my heart, because there is the love of the humanity in my heart. The first two stages are limited to being loved. I guess when you are older, you can have a greater ability to love and help others. You will get more joy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

美 Beauty



Loving beauty is a woman's nature, especially the girlhood in her fancy years, and it should shine well. But girls with nearsightedness are really troubled, worrying about infection of bacteria by wearing contact lenses on the one hand, and the expensive cost of corrective vision surgery on the other hand. Is wearing glasses not so beautiful, reducing woman’s charm? 

I don’t think so! Wearing glasses has its own characteristics and charm:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



The reason is simple: if you don’t like it, you don’t like it *